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Window and Door Systems

Perfect for ventilation while shielding interiors from rain, often installed in bathrooms and kitchens.

  • Awning windows are hinged at the top and open outward from the bottom.  They provide ventilation while shielding the interior from rain.

  • They are often installed in bathrooms and kitchens to allow for airflow without compromising privacy.

Versatile windows allowing for ventilation and easy cleaning with energy-efficient sealing properties.

  • Tilt and turn windows offer versatility by allowing both inward tilting for ventilation and inward swinging for easy cleaning and access to the exterior.

  • They are popular in modern designs and are energy-efficient due to their sealing properties when closed.

Space-saving solutions providing unobstructed views, ideal for limited spaces and connecting indoor-outdoor areas.

  • Sliding windows and doors operate horizontally, with one panel sliding over the other.

  • They are space-saving and provide unobstructed views.

  • These are ideal for areas with limited space and are often used for large glass doors that lead to patios or gardens.

Versatile, energy-efficient windows and doors offering excellent ventilation and design flexibility.

  • Casement windows and doors are hinged on one side and open outward like a door when operated.

  • They provide excellent ventilation and are known for their versatility and energy efficiency.

  • They are available in single and double casement configurations, and can be customized to fit various sizes and designs.

Alman Building Solutions (Casement Windows)

Window Elegance: A Design Peek

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Our focus is on providing high-performance uPVC profiles that offer unparalleled quality and

long-term value.

Control airflow and sunlight with adjustable slats, ideal for tropical regions prioritizing ventilation and privacy.

  • Louvered windows consist of horizontal slats that can be angled to control the amount of airflow and sunlight entering a room.

  • They are commonly found in tropical regions where ventilation and privacy are essential

Enhance aesthetics and lighting, creating alcoves while offering energy efficiency and design freedom.

  • Bay and bow windows extend outward from the building's facade, creating a niche or alcove. They often consist of multiple casement or fixed windows.

  • These windows not only provide ample natural light but also enhance the interior and exterior aesthetics of a space

Classic and elegant, offering design flexibility, energy efficiency, and noise insulation for traditional and contemporary homes.

  • French windows and doors typically consist of multiple glass panes separated by muntins (grids) and are hinged to open inward or outward.

  • They are popular for their classic and elegant appearance, making them a suitable choice for traditional and contemporary homes.

Perfect for scenic views and architectural elegance, providing energy efficiency, noise insulation, and ample sunlight.

  • Fixed or picture windows do not open and are designed solely to provide a view and natural light. They are often used in combination with other operable window types.

  • Fixed windows are an excellent choice for showcasing scenic views or adding architectural interest to a building's facade.

Mesh integrated with sliding windows offers a versatile solution for managing airflow and sunlight while ensuring privacy. Sliding windows with integrated mesh comprise panels that can be moved horizontally to regulate both airflow and sunlight entering a room. This design is particularly suitable for tropical regions where ventilation and privacy are top priorities.

Seamlessly connect indoor and outdoor spaces, offering energy efficiency, noise insulation, and complete design freedom.

  • Bi-fold doors are typically used for large openings, such as those leading to patios or decks. They consist of multiple panels that fold and stack to one or both sides.

  • They provide a seamless transition between indoor and outdoor spaces and are popular for modern and open-plan designs.

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